07 June 2021

New Hope City PI - Case 2

Crime 2

Type - Casebuilding (Deviant Android)
Victim - Ordinary Joe - Sales Clerk (Domestic Help)
Time - Evening
Area - Downtown South - Cinnamon restaurant
Difficulty - 4 - 8 Clues
Weather - Spring - Breezy

Preston Kemp's spouse, Betsy, made the call, and he's been taken to Central Hospital in Capitol Hills.

Despite initially being uncooperative Brandon Butler talks Preston round and he confirms what his wife said, that he was sitting outside the restaurant when he was confronted and attacked by a skinjob. He has no idea why.

Get an object

Butler and Bates head to the Cinnamon, passing an escort and 2 rough looking possible customers. The escort wishes them a good evening so they leave her to it.

As they arrive at the restaurant the chefs appear to be leaving and in high spirits but they are still just about open and manage to get access to the video files.

The video backs up Preston's account (first Clue) so they send it off to Tech.

Question someone

They decide to go and see Betsy and she tells them she's in a coffee shop near home in The Boroughs.

Outside the shop they bump into a well known 'information broker' before heading inside and speaking to Betsy.

During their chat they ask her if she knows anyone who has a grudge against her husband and to their surprise she says a detective!

[At this point I want sure what to do with this so the following only came to me in hindsight]

She also says if they come by tomorrow she'll give them more details as she can't remember them now, so they wish her a goodnight.

Day Two - 2 Clues solved

Get object

They head into the office next morning where they are told there could be more footage, so they head back to a bar next to the restaurant.

Downtown South - The Studio Bar

When they enter the bar Butler recognises a known criminal, and they eye each other before the crim leaves. Butler tells Bates it’s Roger Bowman and to keep an eye on him if he ever sees him again.

They get a look at the security footage but it comes up empty (failed roll). They do see the information broker, Kurt Kennedy, from yesterday though so decide to pay him a visit.

Question a person

They get a trace on him at a Drug Store in Capitol Hills, so swing by and have a little chat. Unfortunately he doesn’t know anything. This case is getting a little frustrating.

Butler decides it’s now late enough to call on Betsy Kemp so they travel to their condo in The Boroughs.

Get object

The Boroughs - Condo

She’s worked herself up into a frenzy when they arrive, (Hostile reaction) but they calm her down and get the documents her husband has put together (third Clue).

Looking through them they decide they need to speak to Detective McFadden. It’s not someone they know as he’s part of the National Crime Force.

Question a person

Downtown South - Restaurant - The French Bass

When they arrive at the restaurant McFadden is talking to Bowman, well say they talking they seem to be having an argument. When Butler and Bates tell him to skip it he refuses until Bates manhandles him and he leaves.

Once Bowman is gone they sit down with McFadden who tells them he’s working a large Android case. He can’t tell them more than that as they’re not cleared for it, he does tell them to look into Jordan Ferguson of Canonics. He hasn’t been able to question him yet and their local contacts may be better (fourth Clue).

Question a person

Downtown South - Coffee House - Eats & Treats Cafe

They get back in their and call in last known sighting of Jordan Ferguson, he’s tracked to Eats & Treats Cafe around the corner so they decide to pay him a visit now.

Unfortunately they never make it, on the way they bump into Bowman with three associates. They don’t back down and Bowman pulls a gun. Butler immediately triggers his emergency response beacon for the station and draws his own gun, and Bates does the same.

Bates shouts out his official warning and the gangers just ignore him, as they start to split up to fan around them. Butler shoots at Bowman but misses and Bates opens fire half a second later, dropping one of them.

Bowman returns fire and Butler has to retreat to cover. Bates fires again and this time Bowman is down, the remaining gangers don’t fancy the odds and run for it. Butler comes out of cover and tells him to go get ‘em then.

Bates easily catches up with one of them but doesn’t manage to bring him down, in fact he gets a chain smashed into his arm. Bates knows he can’t beat him in a brawl so decides to pull his gun and shout another warning but the ganger just grins and swirls the chain, a fraction of a second later he’s laying on the floor, a textbook centre mass shot blowing him off his feet.

He hears sirens as he sits on the ground before his legs give way.

Day Three - 4 Clues solved

Capitol Hills - Central Hospital
Overcast (seemingly to match Bates mood)

Butler picks up a discharged Bates, and after a brief chat about last night they head to see Ferguson at work.

Question a person

Downtown North - Office - Canonics

As they arrive at the gleaming office building they recognise the man they need coming out with colleagues. He’s not very co-operative but eventually admits he knows Preston Kemp, but says that he’s tied up with Bowman and they should be looking there (fifth Clue).

Not getting any more out of him they decide to go see if Bowman has recovered yet.

Question a person

Capitol Hills - Central Hospital

Bowman hasn’t recovered, but one of his cronies has. He tells them they were hired and that the skinjob is in the Industrial area of town (sixth Clue).

Question a person

Industrial Area - Flop House

To their surprise they find Betsy Kemp outside and she insists she joins them in the search. Inside it’s pretty derelict but they find the android, Butler tries to question it and it pushes him to the ground and makes a run for it.

Bates draws his gun but the android barges into him knocking him to the ground too. Bates tries to hold on to the android’s leg but it breaks free and makes it outside. Bates grabs his gun and jumps up after it. His athletic nature means that he manages to keep pace with the android but he knows that won’t last, he stops to shoot but it goes wide and the android disappears around a corner.

Returning to Butler he lets him know he’s gone and Butler starts questioning Mrs Kemp. She tells them what she knows, that Jordan Ferguson organises everything and her husband just helps them move them on with his job at Domestic Help (seventh Clue).

Question a person

Downtown North - Office - Canonics

The detectives know they are going to find it difficult when the are met with Ferguson and his lawyer. True enough, with the attorney’s help they don’t manage to get anything out of Ferguson and have to cut their losses.

They are cursing their losses when they are notified that the android has been spotted in the Airport area.

Question a person

Airport area - Apartment above Crypticorps office

The detectives are surprised to find the android and Detective McFadden together. The android is trapped and can’t escape this time. Talking to McFadden and the android it becomes clear that Ferguson really is controlling this operation, his job allowing him to transfer ownership of stolen androids, Bowman procuring them and Kemp helping to move them on (eighth and final Clue). McFadden is looking into a wider issue around android theft and is happy for them to take this local case, and the associated paperwork and trial.

Bates takes the android into custody and back to the station.

The Boroughs - Jordan Ferguson’s House

Bates and Butler aren’t surprised to find that Ferguson has his attorney and accountant with him when they go to pick him up. They still drag him down the station and have enough to charge him.

New Hope City PI - Thoughts

So now I have run two cases, what are my thoughts on 5150 New Hope City PI?

It is very procedural, and you are left with a very bare bones structure to try and weave into a coherent story.

I'm not sure it worked that well in the moment, although the resulting tidying up did seem to make some sense (I'll leave you to make that decision). Overall it seemed to work better in retrospect.

I can't fault the people and location charts and intend to use these for future games if necessary (although they will be in rotation with other tools I want to try out).

What I particularly liked was the fact ot gave me the same types often often to weave them together. Given the actual amount of possibilities I don't know if this is just coincidence or the sheer volume I rolled. Either way it did tie it up quite nicely.

Another decision I've reached is to change the underlying game system. I was going to change to The Department of Fabricant Management but the character creation process was too finicky. Instead I am going to mix it with Mini Six, which is a lighter version of the Open D6 System which is famous as the West End Games Star Wars RPG.

The mixing is replacing the totalling of the dice (which I consider clunky) with DFMs/The GoalSystem 1-3 No Goal, 4-5 1 Goal, and 6 2 Goals. It is much quicker than addition and so less taxing on my brain!

The second investigation system I am going to use is Mythic, the classic GM emulator. Mythic has a reputation for producing sprawling games so I'll see how it handles an investigation. I am not going to try and force a conclusion, maybe this is a case that Mayhem PD don't get to solve.

For this game I am going pure Mythic too, I don't intend to use any other tables (other than naming resources). I'll see how that goes and maybe add some tables in for the second run through (I always intend to run two games so that I can say I've tried them properly).

02 June 2021

New Hope City PI - Case 1

Crime 1

Type - Robbery
Victim - Ordinary Joe - Waiting Staff
Time - Daytime
Area - Capitol Hills - The Trinity Bar
Difficulty - 1 - 2 Clues
Weather - Spring - Dull

Start by finding an object

Bates and Butler turn up to the bar and meet a young corporate executive looking type trying to get a group of dolled up women to move on as the bar is shut. Bates and Butler manage to persuade them it's a crime scene, the neon light tape is a dead giveaway. Bates gets a wink from one of them and a backwards glance over the shoulder.

Bates watches her walk down the road and Butler advises him that it's not worth his trouble getting involved with that sort of woman and they head inside.

Once inside they get a look at the security footage (gaining a Clue) but Butler doesn't recognise the assailant (failed roll).

Question a Person

Once they get back to the station Tech have found a match for Brady Hobbs, and where he works so they head out immediately.

They find themselves outside the nice office building for Andromeda Research in Downtown North and head inside. A colleague points them in the right direction and as soon as they find him he almost immediately confesses (Helpful reaction roll and a successful skill roll).

As that's 2 Clues they take him into custody and back down the station. They find out that he had money problems and hadn't really thought of the consequences of trying to rob somewhere so high profile.

That’s enough to charge him and other than a bit of tidying up the case is closed.