The Heroic Action RPG System

 Here is the system I have been using for my solo games for the past few years (at least in rotation).

Take a look, see if you like it, and let me know if there are any improvements you think need to be made. This is very much an alpha/beta stage, and likely includes a number of assumptions or blind spots that I've made over the years, so it would be good to catch those and make it better for everybody.

The Heroic Adventure RPG System


  1. Thanks. That goes straight into the solo RPG collection.

  2. Just coming back to this system recently and it is just beautifully fast. I appreciate that includes rules for a bunch of common situations in future/modern settings (vehicles, automatic fire, etc.) Anyone enjoying this system might take a look at the Unbelievably Simple Roleplaying 3rd edition which also uses a step die system for everything now (rather than step-die + modifiers as in USR 1 & 2.)
