I've been using Mythic a long time, it's made its way across multiple computers and I've printed out various bits multiple times down the years.
Over that time there have been things that didn't quite fit with me, and I've amended them to suit my own games, and thought I better explain them before I embark of my Mythic investigations.
Really they all hinge around the Chaos Factor (CF). Now in case you don't know the CF is designed to simulate the rising action of stories and most RPG adventures. It does this by pushing the likely result of a GM question towards a Yes.
For example towards the end of an investigation our detectives find themselves on a rooftop searching for a deviant android. You might ask if there are a lot of places to hide? With a higher CF this answers is most likely to be a Yes, even if I say it's only a 50/50 chance.
While I completely get the intent, the linguistic challenge is something that bothers me occasionally, for example are they unarmed with a 50/50 chance jumps up to being far more likely with a high CF. I should ask 'are they armed?' if I want it to be more exciting. Also, I select the 50/50, odds I can easily adjust this to Very Likely if I want to.
Mythic is ignoring my assessment of the odds, ones which I set with an eye to the cinematic/dramatic already.
So for those reasons I ignore the effect of CF on the odds.
I don't toss out CF completely though, I still use it for all the other purposes Mythic has, for amended and interupted scenes and for random events.
So overall it's not a big change, I just adjust my mindset to vary the flow of the story when selecting the odds (it's not a big adjustment at all, I'm just following the story).
Now with that clear onward to investigation!
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