22 February 2023

2023 Update January/February

I'd like to keep making posts - even if nobody reads them!

So, what's life been throwing at me since my last update? Work, and plenty of it, followed up with a good helping of illness, which is always pleasant.

January is always a write off for hobby time. The nature of my work (for which I run my own firm) means that December and January are always incredibly busy. I'm trying to take steps to prevent this going forward, but I will have to see if they have the desired effect as I am very much reliant on information received from clients.

Back to hobby topics, what has got my attention (at the moment) is my Monstrum Venatorum game - Monster Hunters.

It is the retro clone I mentioned previously and not particularly relevant to solo gaming, other than taking my focus away.

I've broken it down to individual, smaller books, with more focussed content. For example magic and the example setting. This means I feel like I can release it with the basic rules and add the additional content as time passes, and if it gains any traction (admittedly very unlikely).

I'm still trying to get sorted to run my VTT game, my current player is waiting (I assume) very patiently, I've kept him informed of the delays and hope that he is still looking forward to it. Between trying to catch up with other work I had to put off for the last few months and my illness I've made hardly any progress on this.

Of actual solo related news, I decided that I couldn't wait any longer and purchased the PDF of Mythic 2nd edition. Due to all of the above 'news' I haven't really been able to read any of it, but I'd love to get it to the table and see what the changes are and how it has improved. I even thought of running an unedited playthrough of a game run through Roll20, but this seems like a step too far at the moment, so that has taken a back seat (so far it's probably in the boot/trunk).

Hopefully I will make some progress with my current project which will allow me time to get back to soloing.

I will also update this blog with whatever progress I make within the next month this time!


  1. Always enjoy your updates! I think you'll find a lot of useful pieces in the 2nd Edition of Mythic. I think the toolkit is much more robust and handles exploration, investigations, intrigue far better than the original.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you do with Monstrum Venatorum!
